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Sales Coach displays every Stage even if not in that Opp's Sales Process

I'm testing Sales Coach in my sandbox.  Looks pretty good but one thing I'd like to do is be able to limit the stages in the list... We have three different Sales Processes defined that are used on three different Opportunity Record Types.  Is there a way to get Sales Coach to only display the 4 stages we care about and not display the other stages that are tied to things like order processing?




Looks to me like you could with a little custom dev.  If you look in the class, SalesCoachUtil, you'll see where there isn't a filter for Record Type.  There's probably a couple of steps to get it done, but shouldn't be hard.


For someone who isn't a developer (me), is there an easy code snip to accomplish this?  Or at least take the feedback for a future rev of the App?


You might want to check out the new Sales Coach Premium app on the appexchange.  It allows you to specify different information for opportunity record types.  It also has a much improved user interface for the admin page.  Check it out here: