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How can Brackets be used for regular season games?

I'd like to use Brackets internally for our company's regular-season NFL pool, on a round-by-round basis.  As far as I can tell Brackets is built around single-elimination tourneys.  


Is there a way to use Brackets for regular season games?  If not, any other suggestions?


It's really designed for single elimination tournaments.  There is a NFL Playoff option, but that's not for regular games.


The code is available on Github if you want to see what you can come up with.


It sounds like what you want is something like

a) for any given single game

b) setup the two teams

c) allows users to predict the outcome

d) once the outcome is in place score people's predictions

e) track score across a season which has multiple games


Is that about right?

in the code the refactor would be something like


1 add a season object

2 it should collect tournaments which already own matches

3 validation rules allowing a single match tournament 

4 leaderboard should aggregate at the season level rather than that at the tournament level

5 minor additional tweaks


make sense?