You need to sign in to do that
Don't have an account?
static void updateUserRegion(String region)
User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
loggedUser[0].Region__c = region;
update loggedUser[0];
Using Asynchronous Apex in the test class and enable it on the org
Hi there,
Following is the test class which is throwing the MIXED_DML_OPERATION error:-
// This class includes a test method for Trigger created on JRM_Project__c object.
Global class Automate_ProjectNumberClass {
static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
//1st Step is to create a new project.
JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
insert project;
//2nd Step get the Region from the USER table, as this is the main criteria.
User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Americas';
update loggedUser[0];
static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
//1st Step is to create a new project.
JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
insert project;
//2nd Step get the Region from the USER table, as this is the main criteria.
User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Americas';
update loggedUser[0];
insert project; // Once the User Region is determined simply insert the Project record
//Updating the exisitng region which is Americas to a new region and again inserting to Project.
// Similiar steps are repeated for each region.
/*loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Asia Pacific';
update loggedUser[0];
insert project;
loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Caspian';
update loggedUser[0];
insert project;*/
catch(System.DmlException e)
//Updating the exisitng region which is Americas to a new region and again inserting to Project.
// Similiar steps are repeated for each region.
/*loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Asia Pacific';
update loggedUser[0];
insert project;
loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Caspian';
update loggedUser[0];
insert project;*/
catch(System.DmlException e)
Next, I found a workaround to this problem and it seems like it will work. .This feature is called - Asynchronous Apex. Therefore the same test class was edited in the following way, but the problem is when it gets executed it complains to enable this feature. However, it is a Sandbox with unlimited edition so this feature should be there. Then what could be missing???
Here is the code:-
// This class includes a test method for Trigger created on JRM_Project__c object.
Global class Automate_ProjectNumberClass {
static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
//1st Step is to create a new project.
static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
//1st Step is to create a new project.
//2nd Step get the Region from the USER table, as this is the main criteria.
catch(System.DmlException e)
static void insertProject()
JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
insert project;
catch(System.DmlException e)
static void insertProject()
JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
insert project;
static void updateUserRegion(String region)
User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
loggedUser[0].Region__c = region;
update loggedUser[0];
Please advice.
I had exactly the same issue several months ago.
At that time, @future keyword was not available in production.
The reason to us asynchronous method is this. Triggers don't allow these sObjects to together with other types in an DML operation.
And this is documented in...
The Apex Language Reference Guide, under "Chapter 9 - Reference" , "sObjects That Cannot Be Used Together in DML Operations" p167.
Perhaps you should call support regarding to general release of @future.