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Using Asynchronous Apex in the test class and enable it on the org

Hi there,
Following is the test class which is throwing the MIXED_DML_OPERATION error:-
// This class includes a test method for Trigger created on JRM_Project__c object.
Global class Automate_ProjectNumberClass {
    static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
            //1st Step is to create a new project.
            JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
            insert project;
            //2nd Step get the Region from the USER table, as this is the main criteria.
            User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
            loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Americas';
            update loggedUser[0];          
            insert project; // Once the User Region is determined simply insert the Project record
            //Updating the exisitng region which is Americas to a new region and again inserting to Project.
            // Similiar steps are repeated for each region.
            /*loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Asia Pacific';
            update loggedUser[0];          
            insert project;
            loggedUser[0].Region__c = 'Caspian';
            update loggedUser[0];          
            insert project;*/
        catch(System.DmlException e)
Next, I found a workaround to this problem and it seems like it will work. .This feature is called - Asynchronous Apex. Therefore the same test class was edited in the following way, but the problem is when it gets executed it complains to enable this feature. However, it is a Sandbox with unlimited edition so this feature should be there. Then what could be missing???
Here is the code:-
// This class includes a test method for Trigger created on JRM_Project__c object.
Global class Automate_ProjectNumberClass {
    static TestMethod Void testProjectNumberAutomation()
            //1st Step is to create a new project.
            //2nd Step get the Region from the USER table, as this is the main criteria.
        catch(System.DmlException e)
    static void insertProject()
            JRM_Project__c project = new JRM_Project__c(Name = 'name');
            insert project; 

    static void updateUserRegion(String region)
            User[] loggedUser = [Select Region__c from User where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId()];
            loggedUser[0].Region__c = region;           
            update loggedUser[0];          
Please advice.

I had exactly the same issue several months ago.

At that time, @future keyword was not available in production.

The reason to us asynchronous method is this.  Triggers don't allow these sObjects to together with other types in an DML operation.

  • Group
  • GroupMember
  • QueueSObject
  • User
  • UserRole
  • UserTerritory
  • Territory

And this is documented in...
The Apex Language Reference Guide, under "Chapter 9 - Reference" , "sObjects That Cannot Be Used Together in DML Operations" p167.

Perhaps you should call support regarding to general release of @future.