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Using the c:followObject Component in the Chatter Combo Pack
I installed the Chatter Combo Pack into my Chatter-Enabled sandbox mainly to use the Follow Object component that it says can be re-used on a VisualForce page. Yet, when I insert the following line into my code as described on the About Tab for the Combo Pack, I get an error for Save error: Component c:followobject does not exist.
<c:followObject oid="{!Opportunity.Id}" />
What am I missing?
It sounds like the package just hasn't been deployed.
The package is fully deployed, for all users. I see the components listed, but I'm not able to add it them to my VF page. Could it be because the components are part of a Managed package? That would seem unlikely because the About page specifically notes that they can be added easily to any page.
Best Regards,
If they are managed you may have to add them to the profile of the user you are trying to access them from. It might also be smart to check the package manifest and make sure the component is actually included.
As the admin/developer, I installed the Managed Application, and I am trying to add the component to a VisualForce page I created, so I do have full rights. Plus, there is no option to define security for a "component" - only Apex and VF pages have a Security option that I've seen.
The full 1.94 package is installed, and the components are present, though as I noted they are listed as Managed. When I click the "FollowObject" Component name in the list they show as "Component is not global".
I think you have your answer then. The component in question needs to be published with the access attribute set to "global" for you to use it the way you would like.
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
Where can I find the source code for Chatter Combo Pack.