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Send Notification Email in Task

How do you set the Send Email Notification checkbox value in the Task object from within an scontrol?  I don't see the field defined in the API docs but it appears in the Task Edit window when I edit the task and if I edit the task within the salesforce ui and check send email notification everything works fine.  Is there any way to set this flag programmatically to yes in an scontrol so the task notification email is sent when the task is created?  Here is a code snippet:
function createInternalSignatureTask() {
    var task = new Sforce.Dynabean("Task");
    task.set("AccountId", "{!XXXX_Contract_Account_ID}");
    task.set("ActivityDate", new Date());
    task.set("Description", "Please review the final version of contract {!XXXX_Contract_Contract_Number} " +
        "and approve it when your review is complete.");
    task.set("OwnerId", "{!User_ID}");
    task.set("Priority", "Normal");
    task.set("Status", "Not Started");
    task.set("Subject", "Internal Signature Required");
    task.set("WhatId", "{!XXXX_Contract_ID}");
    task.set("WhoId", "{!XXXX_Contract_Company_Signed_By_ID}");


Message Edited by gsickal on 05-04-2006 08:32 PM

Message Edited by gsickal on 05-04-2006 08:38 PM

Ron HessRon Hess
Sorry, no there is no way to send an email using the API.
It is possible by posting to the emailauthor.jsp, but it's a bit of a hack and may break in the future.

Thanks very much Ron.  I thought this was the case.  Appreciate you getting back to me...
But can he set the checkbox?