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Disabling a custom link dynamically

I have a custom S Control that gets triggered when the user clicks on it. I would like to disable or hide the link after a user clicks it the first time.
Any ideas?
Chirag MehtaChirag Mehta
I too was searching for the same
One thing i can suggest u is to go for a formula field and which displays link accord to certain Status
Formula Field Contents
if(ISPICKVAL({!Status__c} , "Pending Approval"),hyperlink(
"/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=00bT0000000imwZ&eid=" & {!Id}
, "Approve/Reject"),null)
So first time when the Status is Pending Appproval  it will display as a link and then on clicking on Scontrol at the end of it change status to something else
So next time it wont get displayed