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Cloudtunes App is authneticated & redirected but fails to display data in iOS

Hello All:


I am new SF and mobile development using iOS. I've downloaded cloudtunes and successfully built in iOS (simulator and real device)..WHen i deploy the app and run it, i am successfully authenticated and page is redirected to the url specified.  But the page just displays a "loading" and hangs.

From this,


-- SInce the controller is invoked and the page is partially displayed (HTML ELelments - headers and links),  I feel it is either a jQuery data invoking/loading issue or a database permissions issue.


How do i debug jQuery? Any tip is very helpful. I've already spent about 2 days trying to troubleshoot this issue.





Found the bug.atlast.


In the cloudtunes javascript the controller method is invoked as "CloudtunesController.queryAlbums(callback)"


I just added our namespace and it worked.   ( [NameSpace].CloudtunesController.queryAlbums)


Hope this tip saves some newbie like me a week of debugging pain.