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Data Loader and deleted records

Is there a way to have the Data Loader (9.0) export records that have been marked for deletion (moved to the recycle bin)?
So what you want is to use the QueryAll call.  I'm not sure what version of the api that was introduced, but I think I may have been after 9.0.  I believe once that call was introduced you were able to do a Query All call in the dataloader -- and you'd want to specify where "isDeleted = true" or similar in your SOQL.
Thanks for the tip. I'll look into that and see if it's something I can incorporate.
Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P

I  think, that has not been introduced even in the version 12.!!
I tried using the GUI and also the command line method...
For command line execution I gave the query like "select id, name from opportunity where isDeleted=true ALL ROWS"
But it thew an error saying  "Unexpected token-ALL ROWS"...! 

I dont understand why havent they incorporated a method to extract the deleted records !!!!

If there any other method to extract deleted records..?? Please suggest...
