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sforce connector error

When I try to do anything in the sforce connector add-in I get the error message:


sforce_connect11.xls cannot be found.


Does anyone know what's going on here?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Did you move the sforce_connect.xla file? Once you associate the file to Excel, it expects the file to stay in the same location.


If you delete the Add-in and remove it from the Toolbar, you should be able to add it again and fix the issue.


Hope that helps,


All Answers


Did you move the sforce_connect.xla file? Once you associate the file to Excel, it expects the file to stay in the same location.


If you delete the Add-in and remove it from the Toolbar, you should be able to add it again and fix the issue.


Hope that helps,


This was selected as the best answer
That worked.  Thanks.