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Android Hybrid App - Sandbox

I am a new bee to this


I used android salesforce sdk with smartstore i was sucessfully able to get the Appliction working for 

Production or Devloper account where the url is


Can any one tell me to get this working for SANDBOX what should i do where should i make the change



Your help can save tons of time.

Please help if any one has come across the same issue




Gaurav KheterpalGaurav Kheterpal

Choose the host from app settings from Production to Sandbox.

I encountered the same. On your phone or emulator : Goto Settings--> Accounts & Sync and clear the account info stored by your app. Launch the application and touch the settings button. You will get options to change the server.

It seems that is the way this SDK version is designed. I am 1-week old android learner and I spent nearly 7 hours to by-pass the settings so that the end-point URL is governed by the app provider itself and couldn't succeed. But I am very sure that it is possible if I get better in android development (??!!).Because in my opinion, enterprise mobile apps need not have options to choose the server