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Sforce ChrisSforce Chris 

Android Studio and SalesforceSDK

I'd like to know if anyone already managed to setup correctly Android Studio for using the SalesforceSDK. Somehow, I get an error, that package and so on is missing which basically means that the salesforce SDK library was not correctly added to the project.


However, in the project structure, I added the salesforceSDK project like that Module but something must be wrong. 


(I'm fine setting that up with Eclipse but I had hope it's working in the Android Studio).




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Sforce ChrisSforce Chris

Ok I got it working by importing the project in Eclipse (with all the correct setting), then by generating the gradle files and import back in Android Studio. Working great but I guess that Android Studio is still too much beta at this stage.

All Answers

Sforce ChrisSforce Chris

Ok I got it working by importing the project in Eclipse (with all the correct setting), then by generating the gradle files and import back in Android Studio. Working great but I guess that Android Studio is still too much beta at this stage.

This was selected as the best answer
Warren ApplebaumWarren Applebaum
It looked like the git repo with the sdk was setup to import straight into AS so I tried that first without success. I kept getting errors about Cordova not existing. I ran the ./install first and I saw it grab Cordova, so that was frustrating.

I am going to try first going into Eclipse and then into AS. 
Abanoub WaheepAbanoub Waheep
Please can you explain clearly this point as i can not imort my project in android studio.
Can you please explain it with steps ?
Thanks in advance