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Partner Portal - Case

I am working on expanding the partner portal and adding cases into it.  I have removed the fields from the page layout that it does not handle (i.e. Phone) and it is formating fine.  The problem I am having now is that where the Contact Name should be displayed, which is a reference field, it is giving me the actual contactId and the label  'Contact ID'. 

I have altered the sObjectDetail file, but was unable to fix the problem.  Here is the code that I believe should be handling this field, but does not seem to work for Cases.

<c:when test="${field.type == 'reference'}" ><c:set var="label" value="${}__label" /><c:out value="${map[label]}" /></c:when>

   <c:when test="${comp.value == 'ContactId'}" ><c:out value="${map[]}" /></c:when>

Has anyone else had this problem?



Just curious, why not use the self-service portal for cases? You just want it all integrated in one place?
Correct.  The idea being that our outside sales can go to one place and get all of the tools that they need with one log in.