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Formula Error

    Can someone help?  I have created the following formula and I keep getting Syntax errors.  Missing  ")" 

      ISPICKVAL(FOB_Point__c ,"Delivered"),
      (((( UnitPrice -  ( Del_Unit_Cost__c +  CUPS__c )+( Freight_Amount__c / Quantity  ))/ UnitPrice ))),
      (UnitPrice - (Del_Unit_Cost__c + CUPS__c))/UnitPrice

Thank you!
Execute EZSAASExecute EZSAAS
I think you have unnessary parenthesis., but you are definitely missing the corresponding closing parenthesis ')' for the opening of IF ( - so try this
      ISPICKVAL(FOB_Point__c ,"Delivered"),
      (((( UnitPrice -  ( Del_Unit_Cost__c +  CUPS__c )+( Freight_Amount__c / Quantity  ))/ UnitPrice ))),
      (UnitPrice - (Del_Unit_Cost__c + CUPS__c))/UnitPrice