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Print Anything - Event:Undefinded

I am working on the Event example that comes with the Print Anything (V 8.1.11) AppExchange offering and can't get past the 1st query.  I seemed to have followed the customization instructions exactly and can't figure out what the hang up is.
I created the button, created a new package, added the queries, and created a new Event. When I execute the Print Invitation button the debug result 1 is:  retrieve single row - Event:Undefined. It seems as if it can't find the Event.
Any ideas on how to get past the 1st query?  Thanks!
I've encountered the same problem. Have you found an answer?

Nope, not as of yet. It seems pretty straight forward though. I need to take another look with a fresh mind to see what (if anything) I did wrong.

If you are able to get things working, please post the resoultion.

Same problem here.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Did we miss something in the doc?
I have the same problem.

As I am beginning to think Im quite the newbie and that I'll never be able to use this if I can not even run the simplest example, I decided to google it. Looks like I'm not alone.

Hope somebody out there (maybe the tutorial writers) can help us get this to work.

Good luck to all.

I have just started to use print anything, can get it to grab info from Account/opps/quote/quote line object, but when i try to get approval, i get the following error.

5. select ERROR IN DESCRIBE from ProcessInstance where TargetObjectId ='a0JT00000006ZTI'

Anyone know why? 

Am i not allowed to grab info from the ProcessInstance table?



Try entering Parameter.eid in Retrieve field for the 1st query.
The Event:Undefined error is before the query. Can't get past Step 2 in the tutorial.
Do not copy/paste or type URLFOR call behind your button.  Use "insert" tool as much as possible and type only parameters values.

Hiya fellas! I too am wallowing in Print Anything Woes. I came across the same problem as you all and have come to the conclusion that the "Tutorial" that comes with the app is flawed.

Having decided that, I chose to ignore it and forge on on my own. Therefore, I have discovered a few things that may be of use to you.

Forget the tutorial and create a simple custom object, with just the name field. Add the S-Object like in the tutorial, except put in your new object. Forget the retrieve, and run this SOQL query: SELECT Name FROM Your_Custom_Object__c

Run that, and it should work. From there look through the tutorial and adapt the steps to your custom app, and you will learn more.


That being said, I still can't figure out how to get Print Anything to live up to its name and actually print anything! All I know how to do from the tutorial is to create a URL that opens a window with my information, but I can't print it.

I search the boards and all I get is other developers as lost as I am!


Someone out there has got to know about this App and can help us!



my first discovery was that you can't copy/paste URLFOR code in the button setup.  Use "insert" tool and select URLFOR and S-control syntax from there. 

Second, use Parameter.eid instead of parameter.eventId in the 1st query retreive field.

Third, do not enter anything in Singleton Field List when creating a query that returns multiple records.

Fourth, use the same case (as it appears in sforce explorer) for field names in your HTML template (EMail didn't work, but Email did).

Hope it helps!

serious samserious sam


       So am I confused like you. PrintAnything is just giving you a printable view of the info. What do we do with that. It doesnt even provide a softcopy. If you ever find out a solution to pull the object and its related lists into a document please post it.



Sam, we use it to literally print, nothing else. sorry!

Enable Show Bars in your window open properties behind Print Anything custom button/link.

Then print from browser's File->Print menu

serious samserious sam
:smileytongue:  Thank you. I never thought am this dumb!!!
Hi Mat,

Could you please tell me what parameter you use to retrieve opportunities?

I got the event Query working by using "Paramter.eid", however I couldn't get the opportunity Query working.

What parameter should I use? I tried Parameter.OpportunityId, Parameter.opportunityId, Parameter.oId, Parameter.oid and none of them works for me.

If you could let me know what parameter I should use, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks a lot!


Total Novice.ax353Total Novice.ax353
You don't need a parameter, just build your query similar to this:
Select c.Id, c.Name From Opportunity c Where c.EventId = '{Event1.Id}'
Can someone show me how to enable show bar? Also, how can I embed picture into the template?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.