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Saving and Recunning queries from ExcelHi

Hi all,

Not sure if I have missed something in the Excel Connector instructions but here is what I would like to do.

Once a month I need to update sales figures in SF from an Excel sheet. (note I am using Professional).

I would like to set up a spreadsheet with a fixed query then modify the necessary values and update.

Rather than rebuld the query each time via the wizard I wonder if there is a way that I can 'refresh' the query to bring up the relevant dataset?

trust this is clear.

Would appreciate any suggestions.


Ron HessRon Hess
Since many tables can reside on one worksheet, decide which table you would like to query and select one or more cells in the table you wish to query.

in the connector menu, locate and click Query Table Data, this will run the current query that you have previously constructed, without launching the wizard.