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Join Tables - Product and Product2

I am trying to use the Excel Connector to query both Product and Product2 so that I can set up a master price list spreadsheet where I can do my maintenance/upgrades and also produce printed copies. This will let me have a single master document and avoid duplication of both SFDC and excel.

My problem is that when I setup a queries against Product and Product2 tables they bring down differing ProductID values. This means that I cannot relate the two tables in any way. I would like to set up a Refresh join as Ron Hess has shownin the help section but since there is no direct relation ship between the two tables that I can link I don't seem to be able to what I think I should be able to do with the connector.

A workaround would be to play with the data within Excel itself but my preference would be to  setup the initial query and go from there.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

Ron HessRon Hess
The product table is not related to product2

use only product2, product is the older, no longer used

you will use pricebook2 and pricebookentry to relate products2 with opportunities.

on the dev board there are some tips for doing this, under the VB section if i recall
Thanks Ron,

Looks like that is the solution to my problem. Will test those tables out.
