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Already logged in, how can I skip this duplicate login prompt?

I've cannibalized some code written by somebody else at my company that logs into salesforce from an existing vb project and allows us to search and select a specific account for which to download data.  The login routine uses the office toolkit.  My goal of this post is to eliminate a redundant 2nd login prompt that currently pops up as a result of me being a hack / novice of a programmer. After using the existing code, to login, perform a keyword search, and select the appropriate account, I then store that opportunity ID in a cell in excel, and use that as the input to the salesforce connector with which I grab the rest of the info I want for associated contacts, account, and opportunity details.
Sub UpdateWithSforceConnector()

On Error GoTo Err_UpdateWithSforceConnector
    Sheets("FROM SALESFORCE").Activate
    Call sfqueryall(True)
    Exit Sub

Basically I jump over to the excel connector with an SFQueryall, but that often triggers a 2nd login dialog box from the excel connector before downloading the data.

Obviously, I just logged in via the office toolkit in my own VBA project, so I shouldn't need a 2nd login.

I'd like to either bypass this 2nd login by jumping into the excel connector's query all function AFTER this login prompt, or pass my credentials from the first login in my excel VBA project, over to the excel connector, and it can just login a 2nd time without me actually typing the password again.

or perhaps there is a way to pass the status "already logged in" from my VBA project over to the excel connector around the same time as I do the sfqueryall?

I'm a total hack when it comes to programming, so I really appreciate the hand holding!

Thanks in Advance,

Message Edited by elipman on 07-15-2008 11:52 AM