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Strange error - please help

I am getting the error below and not sure why.  The excel conncector was working fine on my machine before, but something has changed.  I have tried deleting and downloading the connector luck.  I then re-installed the connector for Office and for Outlook and still get the same error.
error message:
sforce_connect1.htm could not be found.  Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that file location is correct.
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
okay...after trying a number of things, I finally got it working again.  I am running Office 2007 and here is what i did:
  1. I went into Excel Options - Add-ins - and clicked the go button beside Manage Excel Add-ins
  2. I unchecked the Sforce_Connect option - the sforce connector still appeared on the custom toolbar for add-ins
  3. I right clicked Sforce connect on the custom toolbar and selected to delete it
  4. I said ok to the warning that it couldnt be reversed and the sforce connector disappeared and left my other add-ins
  5. I shut down Excel and opened it again
  6. I went back into Excel Options - Add-ins - and clicked the go button beside Manage Excel Add-ins and checked the Sforce_Connect again and clicked okay
  7. It now appears on my add-ins custom toolbar again and works fine

I have no idea why this works...gotta love Microsoft...NOT