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Excel Connector - debug.assert error message
Hi everyone,
Since I was not able to find any solution to this issue and there might be something out there, so if there is please direct me to the community blog.
I have been trying to mass update contacts or mass update tasks and when I click on Updated Selected Cells (after I have all of my ID's populated and everything else I need ) this is the error message I am getting and I have no idea how to fix it.
Set qr = sfApi.Retrieve("*", entityType, idlist, False)
Set DoFullGet = ProcessQueryResults(qr)
End Function
passing a limited sels list keeps this a fast routine.
Public Function Retrieve(sels As String, idlist() As String, entityType As String) As Object
' make sure id list has no blanks
Dim i%: For i = 0 To UBound(idlist)
Debug.Assert idlist(i) <> "" ' bad things ...
Next i
Set Retrieve = sfApi.Retrieve(sels, entityType, idlist, False)
End Function
' make sure id list has no blanks
Dim i%: For i = 0 To UBound(idlist)
Debug.Assert idlist(i) <> "" ' bad things ...
Next i
Set Retrieve = sfApi.Retrieve(sels, entityType, idlist, False)
End Function
' load it up in a dictionary of object by id
' NOTE, the query result may be more than 2000 long, in which case
' we probably would miss something, ouch...
' TODO find out if this is happening ?
Public Function ProcessQueryResults(ByVal qr As QueryResultSet3) As Object
' NOTE, the query result may be more than 2000 long, in which case
' we probably would miss something, ouch...
' TODO find out if this is happening ?
Public Function ProcessQueryResults(ByVal qr As QueryResultSet3) As Object
Dim s As SObject3
Then when I want to close the Excel spreadsheet I am getting the following message:
Microsoft Visual Basic - This command will stop the debugger.
The only way to exit Excel is by saying Ok to this message and when you do that the following message comes up: Application-defined or object-defined error.
Did anybody ever encounter this message before? Any ideas will be more than appreciated. Thank you so much!
I just ran into this too and figured it out. I was including the column headings in the cells I was selecting before hitting "Update Selected Cells." Try making sure that the only cells you have highlighted are data cells.
All Answers
I just ran into this too and figured it out. I was including the column headings in the cells I was selecting before hitting "Update Selected Cells." Try making sure that the only cells you have highlighted are data cells.