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Excel Connector - debug.assert error message

Hi everyone,
Since I was not able to find any solution to this issue and there might be something out there, so if there is please direct me to the community blog.
I have been trying to mass update contacts or mass update tasks and when I click on Updated Selected Cells (after I have all of my ID's populated and everything else I need ) this is the error message I am getting and I have no idea how to fix it.
Set qr = sfApi.Retrieve("*", entityType, idlist, False)
Set DoFullGet = ProcessQueryResults(qr)
End Function
passing a limited sels list keeps this a fast routine.
Public Function Retrieve(sels As String, idlist() As String, entityType As String) As Object
    ' make sure id list has no blanks
    Dim i%: For i = 0 To UBound(idlist)
      Debug.Assert idlist(i) <> "" ' bad things ...
    Next i
    Set Retrieve = sfApi.Retrieve(sels, entityType, idlist, False)
End Function
' load it up in a dictionary of object by id
' NOTE, the query result may be more than 2000 long, in which case
' we probably would miss something, ouch...
' TODO find out if this is happening ?
Public Function ProcessQueryResults(ByVal qr As QueryResultSet3) As Object
    Dim s As SObject3
Then when I want to close the Excel spreadsheet I am getting the following message:
Microsoft Visual Basic -  This command will stop the debugger.
The only way to exit Excel is by saying Ok to this message and when you do that the following message comes up: Application-defined or object-defined error.
Did anybody ever encounter this message before? Any ideas will be more than appreciated. Thank you so much!
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I just ran into this too and figured it out.  I was including the column headings in the cells I was selecting before hitting "Update Selected Cells."  Try making sure that the only cells you have highlighted are data cells.


All Answers

One of my Users is having the same issue. No idea what the promlem is!!

I just ran into this too and figured it out.  I was including the column headings in the cells I was selecting before hitting "Update Selected Cells."  Try making sure that the only cells you have highlighted are data cells.


This was selected as the best answer