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Compile Error

1. Installed office toolkit

2. installed sforce connect 


I get an error message


Microsoft Visual Basic


Compile error in hidden module: AutoExec


This worked fine for Office 2003, but I seem to be getting this error.  I have office toolkit 3.0 and the last version of outlook connect.  Don't know what the problem is.


Message Edited by PPB on 04-27-2009 01:03 PM

These steps are for those who struggled with getting the Professional Edition of the Connector to work:


1.) Download Office Toolkit 4


2.) Download Office Toolkit 3
Office Toolkit 3 download


3.) I've tried all sorts of PE Connector versions and the only one that worked for me was this: - SForce Connector version 6


4.) Don't worry about the version number as you will be presented the option to change the server URL for updated API access
Change Server URL to -


5.) You may also want to make sure that you have this installed.
MSDN Framework 1.1 -