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Error when attaching an article to a case

We are experiencing intermittent error when attaching a knowledge article to a case.


the error is:


Incorrect parameter type for operator '+'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received object
Error is in expression '{sectionIndex + 1}' in component <core.apexpages.components.cdk.ScopeSkipperComponent> in page null


the IE window/tab title (if it is relevant) is "Visualforce Error"


Do note that we don't have any Visualforce Page in our affected org, and we don't have that core.apexpages.components.cdk.ScopeSkipperComponent either.


What is this?






This error occurs if the error hasn't been handled propely in VF, like:Use apex:variable
<apex:variable value="{!1}" var="rowNum"/>
<apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!rowNum + 1}"/>


But as you are saying there is no custom code involved this doesn't make any sense. Please try enabling the categories in the affected Org and check if still issue persists.