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Hackathon App Submission Requirements

I have a question about the submission of our App for the Hackathon.  The Official Requirements state:


Build the most amazing mobile application using Salesforce Platform. Your submission must include:

  • A mobile application useable by the judges (see official rules for more details)
  • Login credentials to the Salesforce development environment used by the application (credentials should not be to a production environment or expose production data)
  • A 250 word description submitted in English of the application 
  • A maximum 2-minute demo video of the working application uploaded to your YouTube or Vimeo account, with a link to the demo video provided through the submission process (see official rules for more details) 
  • Link to the working source code; if the app is designed for a native platform it should include a complete working project that can be compiled.

Our app will be a Mobile Visualforce tab accessible inside the new Salesforce1 Mobile App that extends the functionality of  We make use of 3rd party API's as well as some custom code written on a LAMP stack hosted on Amazon EC2.  Are we only required to submit login credentials to our Developer Org.... or do we need to submit source code for the custom code hosted on our EC2 server?


Clarification is appreciated.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Pat PattersonPat Patterson

if you've written server-side code for the contest, then you should submit it.


Good luck!



All Answers

Pat PattersonPat Patterson

if you've written server-side code for the contest, then you should submit it.


Good luck!



This was selected as the best answer
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We also use a MySQL database, do we need to submit the schema for that?


And what about API Keys (Consumer & Secret) for 3rd party APIs... can we remove these from the source submitted for security reasons?





Pat PattersonPat Patterson

Yes to schema, and please do remove security keys from server side code that you submit.


If they're in client-side code (and they really shouldn't be!) we'll need them to be able to spin up your app.


