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Schema Validation by you experts for my small project

Hello All,

I am building a small project for maintaining customers for my restaurant and provide online Table Bookings.

I will use Person Account/Accounts to manage the cusomers. In the websitye when a customer wants to Book a table he will enter his Name, email, mobile  to book a table, I want to use web to lead to create a Lead which shoul(HOW) will auto create an account and opportunity. I then  call customer and add the line item(Menu Items) to the opportunity which will hold a Table No field from the Table Object. Table object has a lookup to ropportunity.
In the lookup it will display only the unbooked tables for the day.
Any addition of line items can be made when customer is dining. Once the bill is paid we close the opportunity , the ammount  the table No is now free to be booked.

Is this feasible design?

Many Thanks for advice..

Best Answer chosen by Team Works

This seems fine to me. However, to achieve this you will have to consider following points:

1) Automatic lead conversion: You need to develop this by writing a trigger. Refer:

2) For person account you will have to purchase "Person acount featured license"

All Answers


This seems fine to me. However, to achieve this you will have to consider following points:

1) Automatic lead conversion: You need to develop this by writing a trigger. Refer:

2) For person account you will have to purchase "Person acount featured license"
This was selected as the best answer
Team WorksTeam Works
Thanks Vinita!