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String concatenation issue in before udpate trigger: concatenates twice
Hi all,
I am facing an issue in a before update trigger, I am just trying to add some characters at the end of a String field:[0].myField__c =[0].myField__c + ',00' ;
The issue is that when I enter 12 in this field I should get 12,00.
However I get : 12,00,00
So it looks like my string is concatenated twice...could someone help?
I am facing an issue in a before update trigger, I am just trying to add some characters at the end of a String field:[0].myField__c =[0].myField__c + ',00' ;
The issue is that when I enter 12 in this field I should get 12,00.
However I get : 12,00,00
So it looks like my string is concatenated twice...could someone help?
May be your trigger excuting recursively. Can you please share your code, so that we can analyse.
All Answers
May be your trigger excuting recursively. Can you please share your code, so that we can analyse.
trigger CountryFieldFormatting on Personal_Data__c (before insert,before update) {
Map<Integer, String> monthMap = new Map<Integer, String>();
monthMap.put(1, 'January');
monthMap.put(2, 'February');
monthMap.put(3, 'March');
monthMap.put(4, 'April');
monthMap.put(5, 'May');
monthMap.put(6, 'June');
monthMap.put(7, 'July');
monthMap.put(8, 'August');
monthMap.put(9, 'September');
monthMap.put(10, 'October');
monthMap.put(11, 'November');
monthMap.put(12, 'December');
public String formatDateToLocalDate(Date d){
if(d == null) return null;
String localDate;
String month = getLocalMonthName ( monthMap.get(d.Month()) , mt ) ;
if (dnf.Starts_with_Month_or_Day__c == 'Day' ) localDate = d.Day() + ' ' + month + ' ' + d.Year();
if (dnf.Starts_with_Month_or_Day__c == 'Month' ) localDate = month + ' ' + d.Day()+ ', ' + d.Year();
return localDate;
public String formatCurrencyToLocalCurrency(String amount){
String s;
s = amount + decimalSeparator + '00';
return s;
public String getLocalMonthName(String month, Months_Translations__c mt){
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mtMap = Schema.SObjectType.Months_Translations__c.fields.getMap();
String localMonthName = (String) mt.get(mtMap.get(month+'__c'));
return localMonthName;
String s;
if([0].SAP_Proposed_Country__c != null) s =[0].SAP_Proposed_Country__c;
else if ([0].SAP_Home_Country__c != null) s =[0].SAP_Home_Country__c;
Date_Number_Formats__c dnf = Date_Number_Formats__c.getInstance(s);
String language = dnf.Language__c;
Months_Translations__c mt = Months_Translations__c.getInstance(language);
String decimalSeparator = dnf.Decimal_Separator__c;
String thousandsSeparator = dnf.Thousands_Separator__c;
String temp = '';
temp = String.valueOf([0].Base_Pay__c);[0].Base_Pay__c = temp + (decimalSeparator + '00');