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Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori 

How to upload custom object data from csv or xls using apex code?

Best Answer chosen by Ramesh Kalloori
Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori
Thanks All,

I have done loading data from csv through apex. Find the below link for reference.

All Answers

What is the use case here why do u want upload CSV using Apex.

Why cant we use Dataloader for this purpose ??
Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori
Dataloader is a software it need to be download but i want to load data through apex code.

is there any option?
If you are looking to automate a dataload we use a cloud integration tool called Cast Iron that picks up flat files from a directory and loads it into salesforce.
Explain, why you need that ?
Ramesh KallooriRamesh Kalloori
Thanks All,

I have done loading data from csv through apex. Find the below link for reference.
This was selected as the best answer