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ApexPagesHandledException: Cannot convert the value of '{!CustomObjectList}' to the expected type


I pass custom object List to visualforce component which assigns to apex varaible as same type.
But I get error like

ApexPagesHandledException: Cannot convert the value of '{!customObjectList}' to the expected type

<apex:component controller="MyController"  >
<apex:attribute name="customDetials" description="supplementary detials" type="CustomObject__c[ ]" assignTo="{!customeObjectList}"/>

public class MyContorller{

public List<CustomObject__c> customeObjectList{get;set;}


Both attribute name and apex variable are of same type but not being assigned.
Does anyone came across like this

Best Regards
I tried your code in my DE and it compiled just fine !

Jackson SegalaJackson Segala
Did you solved it? ):