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how to copy the billing address to shipping address in visualforce

i want copy the billing address to shipping address if billing address is same as shipping address in visualforce
In code side there is not field such like BillingAddress or ShippingAddress for copying it we just need to use below :-
ShippingStreet = BillingStreet ;
ShippingState = BillingState ;
ShippingCountry = BillingCountry;
ShippingState= BillingSta e;
ShippingStreet = BillingStreet ;
ShippingPostalCode = BilliingPostalCode
Hi sandeep,

i have both billing address fields and shipping fields in visualforce page,here some times billing address and shipping address are same
once we have enter billing address then click one link  then automatically copy to the shipping address in visualforce like example we can see standard Account page ,same thing i need to do in visualforce ,plz give me suggestion
I dont think this should be difficult you can have a chekbox or somehting with an action support that just copies the data from billing to shipping, like the one sandeep showed.
Hi Avidev9,

can you please send me code if you have any example, it will help me a lot

i tried it i had somemistake please provide me code