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Email alerts based on record status

hi everyone,

hi everyone,

i have a requirement where system send 3 email alerts to the owner of the record if a record (in custom ) is created in the system and record's status remains same for a week.
if after a week, the status of the record is still the same, i want to fire 3 email alerts each after a day to alert owner of the record.

i have tried time based workflow rule with 3 time depended actions. but it seems that if the criteria met at the time of creation of the records, the time based actions get queued and if the record status gets changed the next day, system still fire email alert.

need solution and don't want to write code.


sounds like your rules might need some tweaking.
Is the status fixed (such as open or closed, below) or is it more  a case of not caring what the status code is, just so long as it's not the same as it was?

From the Time Based Workflow Guide (

Will the pending actions in the queue ALWAYS fire?
No. Time-dependent actions remain in the workflow queue only as long as the rule criteria for the workflow rule is still valid. If a record no longer matches the rule criteria, Salesforce removes the time-dependent actions queued for that record.

For example, an opportunity workflow rule may specify:
A criteria set to "Opportunity: Status not equals to Closed Won, Closed Lost."
An associated time-dependent action with a time trigger set to seven days before the opportunity close date. If a record that matches the criteria is created on July 1st and the Close Date is set to July 30th, the time-dependent action is scheduled for July 23rd. However, if the opportunity is set to "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost" before July 23rd, the time-dependent action is automatically removed from the queue.
HI ReidC, thanks for your reply.

well, the status is the key here. status of the record should change from draft to available within 7 days. if it dosn't change i want to alert the record owner and that the whole purpose of this worlflow rule. but i am not having success with it.

i am using the entry criteria as 

ISPICKVAL( Status__c , 'Draft'), Biodata_created_days__c >= 7

It seems not the right choice as nothing gets in queue because condition is not met. 

I have also tried the opposite 

ISPICKVAL( Status__c , 'Draft'), Biodata_created_days__c  <= 7

in this case system fires alert  even when records status has been changed from draft to available.

any idea, if its possible to achieve it without writing code.
