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Help in Test class

trigger createSplitCommissionOnOpportunityX on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    List<Split_Commissions__c> SCToInsert = new List<Split_Commissions__c>  ();
    for (Opportunity o : {
    if ( ((Trigger.isInsert) ||
          (Trigger.isUpdate) && (Trigger.oldMap.get( !=  'Closed Won')) &&
         (o.StageName == 'Closed Won') )
        Split_Commissions__c SC = new Split_Commissions__c ();        
        sc.Opportunity_Name__c =;
        }//end if
    }//end for o
    //once loop is done, you need to insert new records in SF
    // dml operations might cause an error, so you need to catch it with try/catch block.
    try {
        insert SCToInsert;
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
        system.debug (e);

PLease help us to create the test class for the above code.

Best Answer chosen by Dev2India
Try this one....

public class createSplitCommissionOnOpportunityXTest{

    public static testMethod void createSplitCommissionOnOpportunityXTest(){
        Opportunity o=new Opportunity();
        o.Name='Test Opportunity';
        o.StageName='Closed Won';
        insert o;
        Split_Commissions__c s=new Split_Commissions__c();;
        insert s;

All Answers

I understand that you are trying to create a split commision if an opportunity is closed Won- 

In the trigger you should create a new opportunity and set the stage to Closed Won 
Once created , give a name to the split commision(in the code) and query to see if it created.

This should test the working of the trigger - code sample available on the following link :

I'd suggest you to start coding and you can post here f yu face any issues.
I was trying to create Acount first then tried to associate the Opportunity , however not able to insert the Account without no reason. Getting error
Invalid constructor syntax, name=value pairs can only be used for SObjects

Someone please help to wirte the test class for the same.

Thanks and appreciate for the help.......
I was trying to create Acount first then tried to associate the Opportunity , however not able to insert the Account without no reason. Getting error
Invalid constructor syntax, name=value pairs can only be used for SObjects

Someone please help to wirte the test class for the same.

Thanks and appreciate for the help.......
Try this one....

public class createSplitCommissionOnOpportunityXTest{

    public static testMethod void createSplitCommissionOnOpportunityXTest(){
        Opportunity o=new Opportunity();
        o.Name='Test Opportunity';
        o.StageName='Closed Won';
        insert o;
        Split_Commissions__c s=new Split_Commissions__c();;
        insert s;
This was selected as the best answer
I tried with same code you mentioned before but its covering just 36 % ....
In my org, 88% code coverage of same test class.. I don't know why it's not covering in your org..
Yes, even I am getting 100 % in my Dev Org. But not in Sandbox. I am not sure if this is a refresh issues or something.

Thanks for the help.