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Date and time format

Can anyone help me. I am getting wrong date when i am trying to take object's date and time seperately in visualforce page. My code is given below.

<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
     <apex:param value="{!call.Call_Date_Time__c}"/>                                                   

If the date is given 11/25/2013 then it is Printing 11/26/2013
and the same thing happening with time. I want to print date and time seperately. Please help me.

The link below might help you.

Did you check your timezone for your user or profile? What SFDC usually does it set the Date/Time stamp to GMT therefore you see a gap a day in your output text.

So try setting your Time Zone to GMT and then test it out and see if you have any discrepencies in your output Text.