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Running a trigger in (near) real time to evaluate a formula field and start a workflow
Disclosure: not a developer..
I want to have a field update workflow start, but it is based on a formula field and it does not seem that a formula field can start a workflow.
Essentially, I have a formula field on Opportunities called Paid (Paid__c) and when this evaluates to True, I want the Stage (StageName) field to update to Closed Won. I'd like this to happen in as near to real time as possible - every 15 min? More frequent, if it wouldn't be problematic...
Is this something that is simple for someone that knows what they are doing or can someone point me in the right direction?
Disclosure: not a developer..
I want to have a field update workflow start, but it is based on a formula field and it does not seem that a formula field can start a workflow.
Essentially, I have a formula field on Opportunities called Paid (Paid__c) and when this evaluates to True, I want the Stage (StageName) field to update to Closed Won. I'd like this to happen in as near to real time as possible - every 15 min? More frequent, if it wouldn't be problematic...
Is this something that is simple for someone that knows what they are doing or can someone point me in the right direction?
This is currently not possible.
Another alternative would be using scheduled class. These are the only standard known ways to invoke time dependent processing.
if( Related_Invoice__r.Paid__c = true, True, False)
So is it possible to have another field update in the Same formula when it updates Paid__c then itself update Stage = Closed (Additional workflow trigger).
I am not sure how I would have another field update with the Paid__c formula field. My guess is that an Apex trigger will be needed, but as I am not a developer, I am trying to find a solution that works for my skill set!
The way the formula field updates the value - the same way you can create a WOrkflow which will update 2 fields - it will update Paid and Status both on that validated event.
If you are using a workflow, to validate the criteria, then you have 1 field update actions based on the same criteria.
There is no workflow currently. I would have liked to set up a workflow so that the paid field that I have on the custom object: Invoices would kick off the process. However, as it is a custom object, I can't seem to start a workflow that would work across to the opportunity.
So, if I mark the invoice as Paid on the Invoice Screen (custom object) the only way I can seem to initiate a change to the associated opportunity that I have created is to use the formula field update that I mentioned previously. However, since the formula field update does not actually trigger a record change in Salesforce, I cannot start any workflows automatically off of the Paid__c field evaluating the formula to True.
What is the relationship between the Opportunity Object and the Invoice - Custom object?
We can update the Field through workflow only on a parent record.
To update a related record on a unrelated object you have to use a Trigger with APEX.
I believe that it is an unrelated object. the only relationship from is a lookup relationship from Opportunity to Invoice, as per the schema below:
Again, maybe I am missing something from your question - I am relatively new to this.
Hi Thomas,
I think that it is unrelated...but how would I check? Sorry for the (dumb) question!
Post again if you have any further questions,
Thanks Thomas!