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Kirill HantayevKirill Hantayev 

Displaying standard pages within Visualforce page


i'm new to this and I can't seem to accomplish something which would seem trivial to me.
I want to show a standard salesforce page, such as the "Libraries" page or the "My Settings" page within a Visualforce page.
And I want them to be show without the header and the sidebar.
Any pointers you can give me?

Kirill HantayevKirill Hantayev
So far the only solution I could find is to use an iframe inside a Visualforce page and reference the if rame to the relevant standard page.
The issue not is that most of the pages i'm trying to embed in the ifame are not showing because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.

Here's an example of what i'm attempting:
<iframe src="/ui/setup/Setup?setupid=PersonalSetup" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Other pages work just fine, for example:
<iframe src="/sfc/#workspaces" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Any idea why would one page work and the other not?
If it's indeed page related as the 'X-Frame-Options' suggests, is there any documentation on which pages are possible to embedd within iframe and which are not?
