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Update record that is already in the approval process


In my controller, I have written some logic for a record to be automatically submitted for approval when certain criteria is met. The issue that I am having now is once the record gets submitted and when it goes to my manager for approval: He/She should be able to update a field value in the record. My approval process in not currently letting my manager update the record.

Currently I get this error: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: ALREADY_IN_PROCESS, Cannot submit object already in process.: [].

I would really appreciate if someone could please help me out!

Can you check for this setting in the approval process : 
Record Editability Properties
- Administrators ONLY can edit records during the approval process.
- Administrators OR the currently assigned approver can edit records during the approval process.

Check if the second option os checked for the approval process whch will give the manager the ability to edit the record.