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Mikey BooshMikey Boosh 

Public Knowledge Base articles - Articles showing outside of profile data permissions

Hi there

I have two different knowledge base sites setup, one with access to all article types, the other limited to just a few.

They both have the same access to the article record types, however i thought the security also ran through data/article category group settings.

Does anyone have any ideas where to refine what the lmited user can access?

Many thanks

Best Answer chosen by Mikey Boosh
Unfortunately I dont think that it is possible. Public Knowledge Base articles are meant for all user internal and external outside Salesforce.
The other way you can do is create a Visualforce Page and display certain articles based off the User's profile.

All Answers

Unfortunately I dont think that it is possible. Public Knowledge Base articles are meant for all user internal and external outside Salesforce.
The other way you can do is create a Visualforce Page and display certain articles based off the User's profile.
This was selected as the best answer
Mikey BooshMikey Boosh
Thanks Eric,

In the end I created a seperate site, with an alternative Public User. I could then assign the Article types as required.

Obviously this does not make either site's information secure, just makes the information more relevant.

