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input fields not displaying

i have a visual for page that include this:
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c}" required="true">
          <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="page"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Credit_Card_Number__c}" rendered="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c='Credit Card'}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Your_Smart_Money_Number__c}" rendered="{!reserve.Mode_of_Payment__c='Smart Money'}" label="Smart Money Transaction #"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!reserve.Amount_Paid__c}" required="true"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Pay" action="{!pay}" style="padding: 5px 25px;"/>

i added/enabled this visualforce page to my site domain:
it should display like this:
User-added image
instead, it displays like this:
User-added image

all of these fields are visible when i open/view it as an administrator. why is it that when i go to my site domain( the fields doesn't show? can anyone help me please?
Best Answer chosen by sp13
You have to give permissions for the objects/fields in use to the guest user profile for the site.  

Navigate to your site setup page and then click the public access settings button - this is the profile for the guest user profile and you can set up appropriate access there.

All Answers

You have to give permissions for the objects/fields in use to the guest user profile for the site.  

Navigate to your site setup page and then click the public access settings button - this is the profile for the guest user profile and you can set up appropriate access there.
This was selected as the best answer
thank you!
I created a custom VF page that search Accounts. But inputs fields are not visible to one profile that has read only permission.  This user has salesforce full lincense.  What do I need to do?
If you are using input fields they won't be visible to the read-only profile, as you need permission to write to the field in the database to be able to enter information into an input field. This is something that the platform does automatically so you don't have to worry about checking user's access on the page.  It sounds like you'll have to use inputtext elements and bind these to controller properties rather than sobject fields.