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Blake Tanon
Query optimiazation
I'm running into time limits with query around tasks, one of the transactions I'm trying to execute is gathering a count of tasks that fall in the below query. The query is run in a trigger when (1) only 1 record is being updated and (2) when a checkbox is true.
for(aggregateResult r:[SELECT count(id), ownerid FROM task WHERE isclosed = true and month_ending__c =: me AND ownerId =: uid
AND outcome__c = 'Success' AND call_score__c in ('1','2')
AND activity_type__c = 'Call'
GROUP BY ownerid LIMIT 300])
s.Score_Value__c = integer.valueof(r.get('expr0'));
The trigger is run off a custom object called Scorecard__c
Any thoughts?
for(aggregateResult r:[SELECT count(id), ownerid FROM task WHERE isclosed = true and month_ending__c =: me AND ownerId =: uid
AND outcome__c = 'Success' AND call_score__c in ('1','2')
AND activity_type__c = 'Call'
GROUP BY ownerid LIMIT 300])
s.Score_Value__c = integer.valueof(r.get('expr0'));
The trigger is run off a custom object called Scorecard__c
- me = Date, Month_ending(date) on scorecard__c
- uid = id, custom user field on scorecard
Task fields
- month_ending__c = date field
- outcome__c = picklist
- call_score__c = picklist
- activity_type__c = text/external ID
Any thoughts?
I think it is giving the problem due to call_score__c in ('1','2')
As there are many tasks in your Org, You can break the query into pieces.
like :
Map<id,Task> map1 = [SELECT id FROM task WHERE isclosed = true and ownerId =: uid AND activity_type__c = 'Call'];
Map<id,Task> map2 = [ SELECT id FROM task WHERE Id IN : map1.keyset() AND month_ending__c =: me
AND outcome__c = 'Success' ];
I dont think you need groupby as you are only seaching for one Owner.(uid)
for(aggregateResult r:[SELECT count(id), ownerid FROM task WHERE Id IN : map2.keyset() AND call_score__c in ('1','2') LIMIT 300 ]){
//do your logic
-Thank you