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visualforce page

each row contains save and edit links, when we click on edit then all the fields present in that row shold be in editable format
and when i click save then all fields present in that row should be in output format when i click edit in row1 , then row1 fields only in editable format
remaining all rows contain output fields only
I'm assuming you are using a visualforce page and custom controller.

I'd suggest having two versions of each row. One input and one output. Use a flag(perhaps stored in a list that aligns with the records being edited) in the controller that will betermine whether to show input or out put for each record. On each row use the rendered attribute to determin whether to show the row or not. Of the two versions of each row one has rendered="{!shouldRender==true}" and the other has rendered rendered="{!shouldRender==false}" so only one version is shown at a time. The shouldRender function will access the flag collection based on the row it is called from. 

When the user clicks edit, you toggle the flag for that record, this will cause the input version of the row to be shown and the output version of the row to behidden, and call rerender on the row.

When the user clicks save, toggle the flag back for that record and rerender the row to make it output.

Hope this helps.

Stuart McVIcar
Mobile Cloud Now (