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refresh_token not always returned

I'm using the same url format to retrieve the access_token and refresh_token, but I only get a refresh_token when I use my developer account.  When I use the client_id and secret and another user all pointing to our live instance only the access_token is returned.  Does something additional need to be set on the salesforce instance, the connected app and\or the user to enable refreshing the connection?  Or any other idea?  

Thanks in advance, Joan

Sample request:{0}&client_secret={1}&code={2}&redirect_uri=https://

I tried adding the scope parameter but it returned a 400 bad request error:{0}&client_secret={1}&code={2}&redirect_uri=https://

self-resolved.  We needed to change the Connected App to allow the OAuth Scope "Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token)"