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Using Webservices to send data to external system


I have a requirement where i need to send a data upon creation to an external hub using Webservices. I mean when a record in a custom object is created , the data in the fields should also get stored in the external system. Any ideas on how do this is really appreciated.

Hi , 
Process of this will be as follows , 
1. write a class where you will be calling  the third party system 

2.write a trigger on your custom object and use @future to call the method .

Thanks ,

Thanks Vishal for the quick reply. It would be great if you can also provide a sample Apex class in which i can call the third party system...
        check this Link---

               it may be useful for you.
Thank you so much. That was helpful. But i need other way. I enter data into salesforce object and the data has to get stored in the external system. Can i follow the same example above even for this !!
