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how to addition value in picklist

how to add additional information to picklist value in
e.g. if picklist option is "<100 men" then i want to attach two additional value with i.e 1) 28%. 2)25
Assuming you are not using visualforce, I'd suggest you can't do this. What I would suggest though is that you need a second picklist that contains option 1(28%) and 2(25) and make it dependant on the original picklist. This is controlled via the Picklist Options section for the field, then the 'Controlling Field'.

Picklist1                      Picklist 2
- < 100 men                 - 28%
                                       - 25

 - 100 - 200 men         - 55%
                                       - 64

Hope this helps.

Stuart McVicar
Mobile Cloud Now (