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Email alert to multiple picklist values

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I have a custom multi pick list field  Impacted departments.

I need to trigger an email to the departments selected in the picklist.

I have written individual workflow with email alert to all values in the picklist,but I am getting an email only if i select that particular value.

If I  am selecting multiple values it is not triggering an email.

Pls help me out with this issue.

Hi Vennam,

I hope below link helps you..

Phillip SouthernPhillip Southern
What does your workflow rule look like? are you doing a straight value comparison?

One thing you can do is utilize the Includes formula
INCLUDES(multiselect_picklist_field, text_literal)
which can monitor a multipicklist and then decipher if the selected values contains a specific text

INCLUDES(Impacted_Department__c, 'Marketing Department')