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Granting Users Record Type Access For A Custom Object

I have a custom object with several different record types. The issue I'm having is that when creating a new record, every user of a given profile is able to select a record type except one. After he clicks "New", his record type will display as a read only to the default record type for that profile whereas every other user of that profile can select a record type. 

Really frustrated and any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
kevin lamkevin lam
Have you checked the record type settings of that user's profile?
Thank you for responding. Everyone in that profile has the ability to select a record type when creating a new record except him. So I don't believe it's the profile settings. 
I actually figured it out. The user had a default record type for that object established in his personal settings. So I unchecked it.

Hope that helps somebody in the future.