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External Issue with Dataloader in Command Promt On Account Object.

Hi I have an Issues
with upserting Account object data with an externalid field(from other Database System).
1.I have proper Map File
2.My Process and database config filre are correct
3.My Database connection is correct

All are new records coming from external database(Query is correct--It is feacthing external id values from database)

But I am geting below error

2014-04-14 17:40:48,184 ERROR [accUpsert] client.PartnerClient processResult (Pa - Error message:external__Id  not specified.

I specified that external id in the process .xml file
NehalNehal (Salesforce Developers) 

Please go through below links that will help you to resolve the error in CLI:


Also check in .sdl file, If you are using any capital letters for the field you are using which is giving you error.

"" I hope this information has been helpful. If this has helped resolve your issue, please let us know by marking the post as ""Best Answer"" to help others in the community with similar questions. "