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Excel to SFDC integration urgent
Upon opening the excel, user should be ask for credentials in pop up possibly using which connects to Salesforce, pull data and populate the existing Excel Template. There should be button on the excel which upon click should update Salesforce with the data in excel fields.
We are using REST API. From Excel macro we are able to pull data from SFDC and populate in Excel
We are trying to update excel data back to Salesforce. We want to call UpdateRequest method from Excel VBA script. Can anyone provide any sample code for calling UpdateRequest method.
' Setup generic update request
' --------------------------------------- '
Public Function UpdateRequest(ObjectName As String, ObjectId As String, Values As Dictionary) As RestRequest
Dim Request As RestRequest
Set Request = ObjectRequest(ObjectName, ObjectId)
' Remove Id from values for update
If Values.Exists("Id") Then Values.Remove "Id"
' Set method and add body
Request.Method = httpPATCH
Request.AddBody Values
Set UpdateRequest = Request
End Function
Upon opening the excel, user should be ask for credentials in pop up possibly using which connects to Salesforce, pull data and populate the existing Excel Template. There should be button on the excel which upon click should update Salesforce with the data in excel fields.
We are using REST API. From Excel macro we are able to pull data from SFDC and populate in Excel
We are trying to update excel data back to Salesforce. We want to call UpdateRequest method from Excel VBA script. Can anyone provide any sample code for calling UpdateRequest method.
' Setup generic update request
' --------------------------------------- '
Public Function UpdateRequest(ObjectName As String, ObjectId As String, Values As Dictionary) As RestRequest
Dim Request As RestRequest
Set Request = ObjectRequest(ObjectName, ObjectId)
' Remove Id from values for update
If Values.Exists("Id") Then Values.Remove "Id"
' Set method and add body
Request.Method = httpPATCH
Request.AddBody Values
Set UpdateRequest = Request
End Function
Please follow the link below, this link will help you in understand how to integrate Salesforce to Excel.
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Please follow the link below, this link will help you in understand how to integrate Salesforce to Excel.
Hi Vikas,
If we use Excel connector it will require office toolkit intallation at individual machines. Our client doesn't want to take this approach. So we are going with REST API approach. We were able to successfully call UpdateRequest method from Excel VBA macro, but it was possible only for single record id
Set Request = UpdateRequest("Object Name","Record Id", objDict)
We want to update all records from Excel to SFDC. We are thinking of having looping and calling this method. Would like to know is this the right approach or how we can pass multiple records to this method/some other method for performing update
Thank You,
Piyush Divecha
You can use Bulk API here is a link which can explain how to use the bulk api for mass transfer.
Salesforce.ConsumerKey = "3MZG9zJJ_hzz0bb9o.MA3IV8zEbQ6DeHIjf_3ypyIQYXt9r5Xp.RUeRV3bYCHkkjiaoSAu4S21GabT_lCGxEI "
Salesforce.ConsumerSecret = " 655555533826828064"
Salesforce.Username = ""
Salesforce.Password = "test9999"
Salesforce.SecurityToken = "9b3gfExxxx4GM9GCByQVs4eWfZ"
Can anyone provide any sample code for using Bulk API from Excel macro.
Please refer this link hope this helps:
We are trying to integrate Excel with Salesforce to update data into salesforce without using connectors. Our requirement doesn't need bulk operations. Can you please help us with some sample code as you already worked on similar integartion.