function readOnly(count){ }
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please help me

a.       Switch off the welcome email.
b.      Read out the customer from the email subject
c.       Set the customer at the case (If it is a known contact at Salesforce. If email is unknown leave it empty)
d.      Cut out the email information from the subject to get an proper subject again
e.      Set an automation like: If case is new > 1 minute Then send “Registration” template
I understand that you wish to process the email coming in to your ORG, want the subject to be screened to search for the contact and updae the same with a custom subject line.

To have this implemented, you will have to use the APEX email services which will give you the ability to process the incoming emails to salesforce:

As for the welcome email - this seems to be a autoresponse or workflow which you might have setup which you can turn off