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Attempting to clean up trigger to avoid a System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object error message
Good Morning,
I'm not a developer but I put together a trigger to update a checkbox field (Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c) on the related Lead Object if the corresponding field on a Task (Trigger_email_on_Outstanding_Task__c) is checked (by a workflow):
trigger TriggerTaskNotification on Task (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> leadIds=new Set<Id>();
if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
if( !leadIds.contains(t.whoid)){ //Dont forget '!'
}//if 2
}//if 1
/* List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c= True]; */
Map<Id,Lead> relatedleads = new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id, Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds]);
For(Task t2 :{
if(relatedleads.get(t2.whoid) != null){ //if task is related to lead
//make lead field to 'checked'
relatedleads.get(t2.whoid).Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c = true;
update relatedleads.values();
}catch(DMLException e){
system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated. Error: '+e);
Looks like i'm receiving a System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object error, on execution of AfterUpdate
from line 8, column 1
if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
I'm assuming that it may be due to a task that doesn't have a related lead record but where the workflow has checked the checkbox on the task. Is there a line I can omit or add that can account for these instances, where if there's a task with the checkbox checked but with no associated whoid then ignore....i'm assuming my trigger isn't very cleanly written since it's written by me.
thanks everyone
I'm not a developer but I put together a trigger to update a checkbox field (Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c) on the related Lead Object if the corresponding field on a Task (Trigger_email_on_Outstanding_Task__c) is checked (by a workflow):
trigger TriggerTaskNotification on Task (after insert, after update) {
Set<Id> leadIds=new Set<Id>();
if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
if( !leadIds.contains(t.whoid)){ //Dont forget '!'
}//if 2
}//if 1
/* List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c= True]; */
Map<Id,Lead> relatedleads = new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id, Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds]);
For(Task t2 :{
if(relatedleads.get(t2.whoid) != null){ //if task is related to lead
//make lead field to 'checked'
relatedleads.get(t2.whoid).Trigger_Email_on_Outstanding_Task__c = true;
update relatedleads.values();
}catch(DMLException e){
system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated. Error: '+e);
Looks like i'm receiving a System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object error, on execution of AfterUpdate
from line 8, column 1
if(String.valueOf(t.whoId).startsWith('00Q')==TRUE){//check if the task is associated with a lead
I'm assuming that it may be due to a task that doesn't have a related lead record but where the workflow has checked the checkbox on the task. Is there a line I can omit or add that can account for these instances, where if there's a task with the checkbox checked but with no associated whoid then ignore....i'm assuming my trigger isn't very cleanly written since it's written by me.
thanks everyone
Hi Danny, please add a statement that will make sure that the whoId is not null.