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Uday KUday K 

How to update Multi Currency Exchange rates in salesforce automatically

Hi All,

Multi currency has been enabled in our ORG, Now we want to get the Exchange rates updated regularly on daily basis automatically.
I hope we can accomplish this with API.

Can anyone post some code sample to update the Exchange rates automatically.

Thnaks in advance !!!!!!
Hi Uday,

Don't think there is a direct way to automate this update.

However, the following idea link has some interesting workaround which you might want to checkusing data loader scheduler:
Roberto ArconadaRoberto Arconada
Take a look at Currency Updater, a tool from the Appexchange that automatically gathers the exchange rate (both basic and advanced) for all your organization's currencies. You can check it our here (
nagendra kumar 21nagendra kumar 21
@uday - 
did you got the code for this ? i know it been long time, but now i got same scenario where i need to automate the currencyy in my org. if you have code can you please share
Hello, It's must in my Org. any solution please !