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internal server error on v30.0 of api

Hi all,

Here's my curl call:

curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt<ACCOUNT ID> -H 'Authorization: OAuth <AUTH CODE>' -H 'Accept:application/xml'

It throws "An internal server error has occurred", with no further info.  If I do exactly the same call from v29.0, works like a champ.  I didn't see anything about this on the Known Issues page.  All advice welcome!


   - Randy
Hi Randy, 

Both the versions have to be the Same, this issue comes up when there is a Conflict. 

This explains the other App is on v29 and we have to the same version that is downgrading to be able to match the version. 

Thanks Ashish for explaining that there must be a version conflict. What is the "other App" that you refer to? Is the conflict between my version of the API (v30.0) and our production instance of SF? If so, how do I see the version number of our instance? Thanks again, - Randy [Global Fund for Women] Randy Trigg | Senior Information Management Officer Global Fund for Women 222 Sutter Street, Suite 500 | San Francisco, CA 94108 direct +1.415.248.4836 fax +1.415.248.4801 website | vCard | map | email [Donate] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube] [Google+] [Pinterest] [LinkedIn] Confidentiality Note: This email may contain confidential and/or private information. If you received this email in error please delete and notify sender.

Hi Randy, 

Yes, the other App may be a 3rd party web service or another Salesforce Org. It is possible that the Production and Sandboxes are on different instances or versions. 
