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Carol RehnbergCarol Rehnberg 

Querying 3rd Party Database XML

We are working on a project in sandbox.When someone insert the opportunity then we are hitting 3rd Party system and update into salesforce:
1) Request XML is generated containing some information.
2) Request XML is send to a third party database management[CORE LOGIC] (Connect2Database).
   There a Response XML will  generate containing the information (Report) and send back to (" tabindex="-1" target="_parent" title="
3) When the Response XML is receive , we are fetching some information from that report and showing on the page layout.
We are using XML writer and reader for generating and reading the XML.
The Problem We are facing is that there is tag ,named '_LEGAL_DESCRIPTION' in XML Response and Salesforce code is not able to read the "_LEGAL_DESCRIPTION" tag but code is reading all the others tags without any error.
It seems that this is a bug in salesforce XmlStreamReader Class -
We are working on a project in sandbox.When someone insert the opportunity then we are hitting 3rd Party system and update into salesforce:
1) Request XML is generated containing some information.
2) Request XML is send to a third party database management[CORE LOGIC] (Connect2Database).
   There a Response XML will  generate containing the information (Report) and send back to (" tabindex="-1" target="_parent" title="
3) When the Response XML is receive , we are fetching some information from that report and showing on the page layout.
We are using XML writer and reader for generating and reading the XML.
The Problem We are facing is that there is tag ,named '_LEGAL_DESCRIPTION' in XML Response and Salesforce code is not able to read the "_LEGAL_DESCRIPTION" tag but code is reading all the others tags without any error.
Please let me know is this is a bug in salesforce XmlStreamReader Class -
you can check the line 82 for the Apexc Class "OpportunityXmlReader"
Hi Carol, 

Try using, Dom.Document and Dom.XMLNode classes.

Reply back with  the complete error code. 

See the below thread with an example,

Also see if you can find a clue in the other link,
