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Display approver names when assigned to a Queue
I have built an Approval process on a custom Object and defined a queue as an approver. When the record mets Approval Criteria It is showing Queue name in Approval history not Individual approvers. Is there any way to display approver names in the queue in approval history or users to know with whom in the queue the request is waiting for approval.
I have built an Approval process on a custom Object and defined a queue as an approver. When the record mets Approval Criteria It is showing Queue name in Approval history not Individual approvers. Is there any way to display approver names in the queue in approval history or users to know with whom in the queue the request is waiting for approval.
The Approval History related list displays the queue name in the Assigned To column and the actual user who approved or rejected the approval request in the Actual Approver column.
See the discussion in the idea below,
Any queue member can approve or reject an approval request that is assigned to the queue.
When an approval request is assigned to a queue, the email notification is sent to the email address for the queue. Depending on your queue settings, an email notification is also sent to each queue member.
When an approval request is rejected and returned to the previous approver and the previous approver was a queue, the approval request is assigned to the user who approved it, instead of the queue.
The Approval History related list displays the queue name in the Assigned To column and the actual user who approved or rejected the approval request in the Actual Approver column.
Delegates of all queue members can approve requests when the process step is configured to allow delegated approvers.
See the docs,
i have exactly the same issue. I want to display actual user names instead of a queue name. Furthermore, i want to use the names of the users who are in the queue, so i can do some extra's like show some messages or extra buttons on my VisualForce page when one of the approvers is looking at the pending record.
So, hope you figured out a solution, and if you did i hope you want to share!
Hi Krishna,
no sorry, i have created a workaround: i store the name of the queue, and retrieve the members of that queue. This is however not my preferred solution, for i want to retrieve the queue name from the approval definition, and then retrieve the queue members from the queue. But since i do not know how to access the approval definition, i have build my work around.